Review: 21 Jump Street

(Originally reviewed in 2012)
Reviewing a comedy film boils down to one thing. Did it make me laugh? In the case of 21 Jump Street, yes it did.
The film is actually really funny and acts almost like a parody of cop films and teen films, the main characters, Jenko and Schmidt, actually admit they joined the police force expecting to be more badass and explosion-filled. When they both get to the high school they’re surprised to find out that the Outcasts and the environmental conscious students are the popular ones, therefore the previous loner Schmidt fits in brilliantly and jock Jenko is forced to the sidelines to be with the nerds.
I’ve heard Channing Tatum was funny but I’ve never experienced first-hand until now, and surprisingly he was. He may have been type-cast as the dumb jock but he shows genuine charm in the role and had great comic timing.
“Fuck you science.”
Jonah Hill was also great as the sweet-natured Schmidt who finally fits in for the first time in his life, his humour does focus mostly on his awkwardness but it works well within the movie. What makes the film really work is the chemistry between Hill and Tatum, they play well off each other and you really feel the friendship between them.
Other great comedic roles are Scrubs’ Dave Franco as Eric the drug dealing student way over his head and Ice Cube playing the stereotypical Angry Black Captain, he is far and away the funniest character with some of the best lines. However some other characters were pushed to the sidelines that I would’ve liked to have seen more of, the horny chemistry teacher was adorable but she’s only in a few scenes and I couldn’t even remember her name.
I won’t say much else so as not to spoil the funny moments in the film just accept my recommendation that it’s really funny. A YouTube video, a drugged-up montage and a surprising yet hilarious cameo are highlights of the film. Definitely recommended.