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Review: Chronicle

(Originally reviewed in 2012)

Chronicle is the latest in the line of found footage films, I haven’t seen enough to hate them but I can understand why people are hesitant towards them. Thankfully though Chronicle manages to use the gimmick to great work, not only as a narrative device but also for characterisation of Andrew – he basically comes out saying the camera is a barrier between him and the world that treats him like shit.

The film takes what can be described as the most original and truthful tale of teens acquiring super-powers, using them not to become heroes but to fuck around, play pranks and get girls. The film starts off light-hearted – despite the themes of abuse and bullying – as it shows the boys training their powers. But as they get stronger the film gets darker, especially the character of Andrew who perhaps has the most sympathetic villain origin story since Magneto in last years’ X-Men.

The three boys are stereotypically recognized but it allows the audience to understand them without needing to get too deep into their character and focus on the powers and their growth. Steve, played my Michael B Jordan and bringing closure to the question ‘Where the fuck is Wallace?’, is the cool kid that under pressure can’t rise to the challenge of leadership. Matt, Alex Russell, is a philosophical quoting nice guy, quiet when he needs to be but can be a leader when no-one else can. But it’s obvious that Dane Dehaan as Andrew is the breakout star here, his years of abuse and torment are shown slowly through his videos so when he finally finds the means to fight back it’s no surprise that he goes overboard and becomes a Super-villain, his rise to power is something anyone who’s been bullied before can understand and as someone who was bullied in primary school I can recognize his pain.

As said before the found footage aspect of the film works pretty well, using different cameras in the later minutes of the film allow the audience to get the full story and make the narrative seem a lot bigger than it is. The final climatic battle using security cameras, police footage and I-Pads amongst other is amazing, seeing Andrew scared physically from an earlier explosion and mentally from a recent death take his place as the ‘Apex Predator’ then going too far in his attacks is terrifyingly brilliant. Then to cap it all off with a sudden and shocking ending just brings it all together and puts this battle in with a good chance for scene of the year.

This film comes highly recommended, it’s an original teens get power movie, it’s a great origin story for who may just be the best villain of 2012 and most importantly it’s a great found footage film. Definitely check this one out.


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