Review: Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

(Originally reviewed in 2012)
Damn this movie was great, it was a smartly written sci-fi story that slowly built up to one of the best action films of recent years.
Andy Serkis once again puts in a brilliant performance as Caesar, everyone of his expressions is lifelike and easy to read. The great thing about this film is that it takes the time to set Caesar up and show his character develop, this way the audience sympathises with him, they love his caring nature towards Franco’s Will and Lithgow’s Charles and feel bad when the actions of a short-tempered neighbour ruins that happiness. Part of what makes Caesar so great is the fact that at times he shows true human sentiment – like with the death of one of his friends on the bridge who I shall call Chopper for obvious reasons of you’ve seen the film – but at others he can be quite animalistic and violent. He has the best of both worlds and it’s that that makes him the leader he turns out to be.
The other actors perform well alongside Caesar, Franco’s Will is a determined scientist but perhaps too determined and that ultimately is his downfall. His father Charles, played by John Lithgow who is just everywhere at the moment, is utterly convincing as the Alzheimer’s sufferer who finds new interest in Caesar. The others don’t have as much to do, Brian Cox and Draco Mal... I mean Tom Felton do good as the evil father and son zoo keepers, Felton showing a great sadistic streak and his call back to the ‘Damn dirty ape’ line was fantastic. Freida Pinto really didn’t have anything to do except be the obligatory love interest and is only useful at the most two or three times.
Like I said the fact that the film starts slow and builds up Caesar and the plight of the apes and it’s all the better for it. However the final half hour is just amazing, everything from the ape escape to destroying San Francisco all leading up to the bridge. Everything that happens on the bridge just elevates this movie so much that the brilliant first hour almost seems pale in comparison. Caesar proves himself as the great leader by anticipating the ambush, telling his soldiers to take the high and low ground, pushing the bus to shield themselves then to end it all, a gorilla attacks a helicopter.
A motherfucking gorilla jumps from the Golden Gate Bridge and takes down a motherfucking helicopter.
If you haven’t seen this film yet I urge you to check it out, it’s one of the best of last year and proof that you shouldn’t let your pre-determined thoughts cloud your judgement, sometimes an unnecessary prequel can be great on its own and as part of a series.